

Truth in Accounting

“Truth in Accounting has the most comprehensive look at the fifty states' assets and liabilities, including state employee pensions and benefits. [Data-Z] is a valuable, time-saving tool for policy organizations wanting to get a deeper look into state government finances.” -John Tillman, Illinois Policy Institute CEO

“For anyone who cares about the finances of government, Truth in Accounting is the indispensable resource and advocate.  For those who don't care, they are in for repeated nasty surprises.” - Ed Bachrach Chairman Center for Pension Integrity and retired Chairman and CEO of Bachrach Clothing, Inc.

"Truth in Accounting, fueled by founder Sheila Weinberg and a world-class board, shows what can happen when good and honest people are passionate about preserving the future of our republic. Eureka College students have been among the beneficiaries of the Institute's eye-opening and invaluable presentations. Every young person's future is at issue, and every one of them has something urgent to learn from the work of the Institute for Truth in Accounting." - John D. Morris, Director for The Ronald W. Reagan Society Eureka College

“Truth in Accounting helps legislatures understand the consequences of their actions and lets citizens know the extent of the debt that is being piled on them.” - Sharon Lassar, Head of the Accounting School at Denver University

"Truth in Accounting has a noble mission. It is noble because it educates Americans on the dangers of dishonest political math trumping principle based accounting and budgeting standards for decision making on matters of public policy. With a watchword ethic of principle based integrity and accountability for all levels of government, TIA professionally, verily, and selflessly serves the public interest." - Larry Feltes, Lieutenant. Colonel, USAF, Retired

“Truth in Accounting is a go-to resource for Reboot Illinois. We rely on its expertise to help us shine a light on Illinois budgeting and spending and to put it into meaningful context for our growing audience. Truth in Accounting’s state datalab is a terrific resource for anyone who is concerned about public debt, taxes and fees. It’s one of the most useful and user friendly resources we regularly use.” - Madeleine Doubek, Chief Operating Officer Reboot Illinois

State Data Lab

“Truth in Accounting plays a vital role in clarifying and making public the real costs of government across the country. Through its [Data-Z] project, leaders from the corporate and civic sectors, elected officials, journalists and all citizens can see and understand the true financial condition of their states and municipalities.” - Don Cooke

"[Data-Z] is the best single point for citizens, planners, investors, journalists and especially politicians to get comprehensive fiscal information. America is heading for a crisis of historic proportions with our state and municipal governments. [Data-Z] is an essential tool to fix it." - Frank Keegan, Editor, StateBudgetSolutions.org

“While other organizations have compared the state’s unfunded retirement liabilities, only this report [the Financial State of the States] has determined the overall financial condition of every state.” - Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker

"The [Data-Z] website is the kind of resource I’ve been wishing that think tanks had for almost a decade. The site is intuitive, the list of indicators is exhaustive but not intimidating, and the fact that users can download both data and print-ready images of their findings make it a no-brainer resource for policy analysts, bloggers, and fact-finders." - John Hill, Senior Policy Analyst, Alabama Policy Institute

Morning Call

"Thanks for continuing to include me on your distribution list. I read the Morning Call almost every day. It’s an outstanding service, and represents the bulk of my education on these issues." - Tom Devine Legal Director, Government Accountability Project

“I look forward to the Morning Call as an invaluable resource that digests and creates links to the various foibles of state and local governments.  It constantly sheds light on the machinations that politicians go through to avoid dealing with the fairly simple accounting problem that they spend more than is collected. A wonderful tool for investors seeking the truth behind government credit ratings.” - Michael Steinberg Broker at LaSalle St. Securities, LLC

“I read Morning Call's headlines first thing every day and then go back and read the stories in depth. The stories are absolutely indispensable to my understanding of financial problems in Chicago and the world. I may not agree with all of them, but I MUST read them.” - Ann M. Lousin, Professor of Law John Marshall Law School, Edward T. and Noble W. Lee Chair in Constitutional Law

"Morning Call adds special credibility to accomplishment of the TIA mission by providing highly informed, wide ranging, and timely vignettes on the state of political leadership integrity and its impact on Americans and their future. I highly recommend both to all Americans who love their country and want to pass on a strong and solvent America to their children and subsequent issue." - Larry Feltes, Lieutenant. Colonel, USAF, Retired